Alright so my first one i do not have to get on Google to write about. its whats been on my mind for a little while. First off.. all i have to say is i HATE living with girls now! All my life i have always been one of hte guys and never had to deal with the Estrogen of Females. I never liked hanging out with girls from my high school because of hte fact that all they did was cause drama and im not really a huge fan of drama. it kinda annoys me to hear girls whine all the time about how this person doenst like them or that person said this about them. its completely pointless!!! My guys are awesome!! i love hanging out with them. they are really fun. i miss my guy friends from home like crazy! i love being able to wear a t shirt blue jeans and flip flops and my hair look really bad and just being myself and being goofy and those guys not judging me for how i look but how i act! they loved that i could be fun with them and not be a "typical" girl that complained all the time. i always thoguth that was really cool. Ugh ok im done venting about Estrogen.